Blog Archives
Agrivoltaic pilot in partnership with Amarenco & Invenio completed
Our collaboration with Invenio and Amarenco aims to demonstrate the benefits of replacing plastic tunnels with a dynamic agrivoltaic solution for strawberry cultivation.
New project!! Our first agrivoltaic installation in France is now up and running!
More news about our collaboration with the experimental station for the fruit and vegetable sector Invenio-fl and the Solar IPP Amarenco Group coming soon!
Our agrivoltaic pilot installation insolagrin@Conthey in collaboration with Romande Energie & Agroscope enters its second agronomic cycle!! This year we are testing the insolagrin solution over both raspberries (long cane ‘Vajolet’) and strawberries (ever bearing ‘Karima’).
The project is supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy SFOE.