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More salad grown under insolagrin solution!

Positive preliminary results from our pilot collaboration with ZHAW Institut für Umwelt und Natürliche Ressourcen IUNR growing corn salad under Insolight panels. After the first round of cultivation performed in winter 2021-2022, the experiment shows a beneficial effect of the panels on the growth of the corn salad. At harvest the fresh weight of the corn salad under the panels was on average 15 % higher than in the control zone.

We look forward to further collaboration with ZHAW!

New Pilot in collaboration with ZHAW

Our pilot in collaboration with ZHAW School of Life Sciences and Facility Management in in operation. Corn salad is grown under insolagrin solution to study the effect of solar modules on crop growth.

A new pilot installation in collaboration with SIG

During the project the micro-climate and biodiversity under Insolight translucent modules to compare to conventional (opaque modules)will be monitored. The demonstrator will quantify the effect of our translucent technology on vegetalised rooftops.

STEP d’Aïre pilot site, Geneva, Switzerland

Migros Group supports insolagrin project as a Global Partner

The Federation of Migros Cooperatives decided to suport the insolagrin project, sending an important signal about the importance of bringing a new solution for large-scale photovoltaic deployments without additional impact on the land and reducing the carbon footprint of crops. Find out more in Migros Magazine in French & German.

insolagrin, a pilot project created by three partners Insolight, Romande Energie and Agroscope and supported by the Swiss Federal Office of Energy (SFOE).


Solar Power Europe just published a best practice guidelines to agrivoltaics. Insolight is recognized as a potential game changer in this quickly growing sector thanks to our unique dynamic agrivoltaic solution that adapts to seasons and weather conditions. 

Read about the 20% increase in biomass of our lettuce – page 46! Download the full report here.


Solar Impulse Efficient Solution label - agrivoltaic solution
Solar Impulse Foundation Label

The Solar Impulse Foundation has started a mission to select 1000 solutions that address environmental challenges while enabling economic growth. 

We are proud to announce that the foundation has reached its goal and our THEIA solar module is part of the portfolio along with 1000solutions.

We support the efforts of Bertrand Piccard and the Solar Impulse Foundation to accelerate the implementation of solutions that can bring profit to both the economy and environment.